A vibrant community hub, run by volunteers.

Community workshops & activities, community events, Basil's community cafe open Monday, Friday and Saturday 9.30am - 3pm, library space, play area, hire room, kitchen and garden space.

Welcome to the The Old Library, Eastville (the former Eastville Library)a vibrant community hub, run by volunteers, with Basil’s community cafe, library space, workshops & activities, an edible garden, play space and hire room.

Recent news: We have secured a large amount of finding for our disabled bathroom build. This is after a lot of hard work and effort from our valued volunteers. Huge thank you to all involved. Updates will happen as to when the build will continue.

A huge thank you also to everyone who has donated and continues to donate. Your support means we can help make this wonderful space accessible to all. A real community effort!

More news: Community defibrillator has been installed at the Old Library – more info to follow on this.

Regular Events

Groups &Activities happening weekly or monthly

Upcoming Events

One-off Events

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers for our Summer party. If you have even an hour to spare, please help us throw our wonderful annual party. Email hello@theoldlibrary.org.uk or talk to Steph in the cafe.

Upcoming Events

One-off Events

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers for our Summer party. If you have even an hour to spare, please help us throw our wonderful annual party. Email hello@theoldlibrary.org.uk or talk to Steph in the cafe.

The Old Library is building a much needed disabled bathroom so that everyone can enjoy our wonderful community space. You can help by donationg, or helping with fundraising.

Basil’s Community Cafe

Open Monday, Friday and Saturday 9.30am – 3pm. Warm and friendly space serving hot food and drinks.

Basil’s cafe opening hours during AUGUST:
OPEN Mondays & Fridays 9.30 – 3pm

Closed – Saturdays in August

Closed – August Bank Holiday Weekend 23rd – 26th

Normally opening days resume in September.


We are currently looking for volunteers to help with events, garden & building maintenance, and volunteer directors.